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Hadany Lab
Our lab in the media
Nature: Stressed plants ‘cry’ — and some animals can probably hear them
CNN: Plants aren’t silent. They make clicking sounds, a study finds
The New York Times: This Is What It Sounds Like When Plants Cry
The Guardian: Plants emit ultrasonic sounds in rapid bursts when stressed, scientists say
Phys.org: Stressed plants emit airborne sounds that can be detected from more than a meter away
ABC: Plants can 'talk' and scientists have recorded the sound they make as they die of thirst
The New Daily: Plants have been heard to scream, out of range
New-York Post: Plants scream when stressed or hurt — they’re ‘rather noisy’: study
Science News: Stressed plants make ultrasonic clicking noises
Washington Post: Plants make ultrasonic popping sounds. They might be cries for help.
הארץ- שירת העשבים: חוקרים מאוניברסיטת תל אביב הקליטו ופענחו קולות של צמחים
N12- מחקר פורץ דרך: צמחים משמיעים קולות, בעיקר במצבי מצוקה
YNET- מחקר ישראלי חושף שצמחים משמיעים קולות: כך נשמעת עגבנייה
מה גורם לחגבים להתאסף לנחיל ארבה אלים?
הם שומעים, זוכרים, מרכלים ואפילו מחשבים ממוצע. מבט לעולמם הנסתר של הצמחים
BBC CrowdScience poadcast: If a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound?
האוניברסיטה המשודרת: מבוא לאבולוציה- האבולוציה של הרבייה המינית
The buzz about flowers
האם אנחנו עוזרים לזולת רק כי החיידקים מפתים אותנו לעשות זאת?https://www.haaretz.co.il/magazine/.premium-MAGAZINE-1.6866779
People Aren't Altruistic. It's the Bacteria They Carry, Israeli Scientist Suggests. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-people-aren-t-altruistic-it-s-the-bacteria-they-carry-israeli-scientist-suggests-1.6913973
Flowers can hear buzzing bees—and it makes their nectar sweeter. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/01/flowers-can-hear-bees-and-make-their-nectar-sweeter/
Using their flowers as ears, some plants can hear the sounds of animal pollinators. They react by rapidly sweetening their nectar to make it more enticing. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/01/plants-use-flowers-hear-buzz-animals/579964/
מחקר: פרחים שומעים חרקים. https://www.haaretz.co.il/science/.premium-1.6790359
Plants May Not Have Ears, But They Can 'Hear' Way Better Than We Thought. https://www.sciencealert.com/flowers-may-not-have-ears-but-they-can-still-technically-hear-say-scientists
The Casual Gardener: There's a renewed buzz about the benefits of talking to plants. http://www.irishnews.com/lifestyle/2019/01/12/news/the-casual-gardener-there-s-a-renewed-buzz-about-the-benefits-of-talking-to-plants-1525573/?param=ds441rif44T
A new study suggests plants can 'hear' the humming of nearby pollinators and increase their sugar content in response. http://po.st/CfBWiQ
Flowers hear bees and make sweeter nectar when they’re buzzing nearby.
Ученые рассказали, как цветы слушают пчел. http://varjag.net/uchenye-rasskazali-kak-cvety-slushayut-pchel/
I fiori producono più nettare quando sentono api vicine. https://www.quotidiano.net/magazine/linguaggio-dei-fiori-1.4397532
Las flores pueden escuchar a los insectos. http://xfru.it/TtMZX6
Tak Diragukan Lagi Tanaman Memang dapat Mendengar, Ini Buktinya.
這種植物聽到蜜蜂「嗡嗡」聲時 竟能產生更甜的花蜜
Bloemen maken zoetere nectar als ze bijen horen zoemen
I fiori sentono il rumore delle api e rendono il nettare più dolce http://www.nationalgeographic.it/natura/piante/2019/01/17/news/i_fiori_sentono_il_rumore_delle_api_e_rendono_il_nettare_piu_dolce-4259656/
Édesebb a méz, ha a virágok méhzümmögést hallgatnak
Plants may HEAR gardeners talking to them, study suggests https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/8136629/plants-hear-gardeners-talking/
Le piante usano ultrasuoni per comunicare con impollinatori - Tiscali Notizie https://notizie.tiscali.it/scienza/articoli/piante-usano-ultrasuoni-per-comunicare-con-impollinatori/
Thực vật có khả năng “nghe” tốt hơn chúng ta biết. https://dantri.com.vn/khoa-hoc-cong-nghe/thuc-vat-co-kha-nang-nghe-tot-hon-chung-ta-biet-20190120045135517.htm
Recherche israélienne: Les fleurs entendent les insectes. https://www.jforum.fr/recherche-israelienne-les-fleurs-entendent-les-insectes.html
Israeli scientists find a flower they say can hear approaching bees https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-scientists-say-they-found-flower-that-can-hear-approaching-bees/
Researchers find plants may actually be able to HEAR gardeners. https://mol.im/a/6563615
Plants use their flower petals to hear approaching pollinators • Earth.com https://www.earth.com/news/plants-flower-petals-hear/
Flowers can actually hear buzzing bees and human voices | From the Grapevine https://www.fromthegrapevine.com/nature/flowers-can-actually-hear-buzzing-bees-and-human-voices
Flowers may be the ears of the plant, researchers say https://coolhunting.com/culture/your-flowers-are-listening/
Scientists find flowers can hear insects. https://nation.com.pk/01-Jan-2019/scientists-find-flowers-can-hear-insects
Flowers are talking to animals—and humans are just starting to listen. https://qz.com/1522637/
Insect study: plants can hear bees https://www.newsarticleinsiders.com/insect-study-plants-can-hear-bees
Israeli scientists find flowers can hear insects. http://bit.ly/2LJJlOF
WATCH: Israeli researchers discover flowers can 'hear': https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-israeli-researchers-discover-flowers-can-hear-bees/
Flowers can hear bees, new research suggests https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/news/2019/01/flowers-can-hear-bees-new-research-suggests/
Sweet sound: Can flowers really “hear” bees buzzing? https://www.flipscience.ph/nature/can-flowers-hear-bees-buzzing/
Plants Can ‘Hear’ Better Than We Thought. https://brightviu.com/plants-can-hear-better-than-we-thought/
Flowers are talking to animals-and humans are just starting to listen https://tribunecontentagency.com/article/flowers-are-talking-to-animals-and-humans-are-just-starting-to-listen/
A new study suggests plants can 'hear' the humming of nearby pollinators and increase their sugar content in response. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/flowers-sweeten-when-they-hear-bees-buzzing-180971300/
Can Microbes Encourage Altruism? https://www.quantamagazine.org/can-microbes-encourage-altruism-20170629/
Microbes may encourage altruistic behavior https://phys.org/news/2017-01-microbes-altruistic-behavior.html
Revisiting the restriction of antibiotics https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/06/150625144856.htm
Can microbes make us better people? https://www.mnn.com/health/fitness-well-being/blogs/can-microbes-make-us-better-people
‘Contaminated’ Blood Tests May Save Lives https://www.laboratoryequipment.com/news/2014/08/%E2%80%98contaminated%E2%80%99-blood-tests-may-save-lives