Hadany Lab
Ohad Lewin-Epstein
Curriculum Vitae
2016-Present Ph.D student at the Department of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants at the Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel-Aviv University in Israel.
2014-2016 M.Sc. in Theoretical and Mathematical Biology at the Department of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants at the Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel-Aviv University in Israel. Title: Two models of evolution and social behavior: 1. Microbes May Help Explain the Evolution of Host Altruism. 2. The Effect of Cooperation on Adaptive Valleys Crossing. Advisor: Prof. Lilach Hadany. Summa cum laude.
2012-2016 Student in The Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program for Outstanding Students. Focus in Biology, Mathematics and Philosophy.
Awards and Honours:
Clore Foundation Scholarship for Ph.D. students (2018-2021)
Travel award from the Constantiner Institute for Molecular Genetics for an oral presentation at the ESEB2019 congress in Turku, Finland (2019).
Travel award from the Manna Center for Plant Biosciences for an oral presentation in the 2nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier, France (2018).
Travel award from the Anat Krauskupf Fund for a poster presentation at the Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution conference in Easton, MA, USA (2017).
Excellence in teaching award from the Engineering Faculty, Tel-Aviv University (2017).
Rector’s outstanding teaching list of Tel-Aviv University for the three academic years of 2014-2017.
The Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program for Outstanding Students: a highly competitive (15 students each year), merit based, full 4-year scholarship in Tel Aviv University (2012-2016).
The department of molecular biology and ecology of plants program of direct track for M.Sc. for outstanding students, faculty of life science, Tel Aviv University (2014-2016).
Travel award from the Manna Center for Plant Biosciences for an oral presentation in the Evolution 2016 Meetings in Austin, Texas, USA (2016).
Excellence in teaching award from the Life-Science faculty, Tel-Aviv University (2016).
In bold – first author, or equal contribution to first author
Cohen, D., Lewin-Epstein, O., Feldman, M. W., & Ram, Y.. Non-Vertical Cultural Transmission, Assortment, and the Evolution of Cooperation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (in press). Available on [bioRxiv]
Lavy, O., Lewin-Epstein, O., Bendett, Y., Gophna, U., Gefen, E., Hadany, L., & Ayali, A. Microbiome-related aspects of locust density-dependent phase transition. Under review. Available on [bioRxiv]
Lewin-Epstein O., Baruch S., Hadany L., Stein G. Y., Obolski U., Predicting antibiotic resistance in hospitalized patients by applying machine learning to electronic medical records. Clinical Infectious Diseases (2020) [HTML].
Cherny, S. S., Nevo, D., Baraz, A., Baruch, S., Lewin-Epstein, O., Stein, G. Y., & Obolski, U. Revealing antibiotic cross-resistance patterns in hospitalized patients through Bayesian network modelling. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2020) [HTML].
Lewin-Epstein, O. and Hadany, L.. Host–microbiome coevolution can promote cooperation in a rock–paper–scissors dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287.1920 (2020). [HTML]
Gurevich, Y., Lewin-Epstein, O., Hadany, L. The evolution of paternal care: a role for microbes? Accepted for publication in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2020) [HTML].
- John P.Pribis, Libertad García-Villada, Yin Zhai, Ohad Lewin-Epstein, Anthony Z. Wang, Jing jing Liu, Jun Xia, Qian Mei, Devon M.Fitzgerald, Julia Bos, Robert H.Austin, Christophe Herman, David Bates, Lilach Hadany, P. J. Hastings, Susan M.Rosenberg. "Gamblers: an antibiotic-induced evolvable cell subpopulation differentiated by reactive-oxygen-induced general stress response." Molecular cell (2019). [HTML]
Lewin-Epstein, O, Aharonov, R., Hadany, L., 2017. Microbes can help explain the evolution of host altruism. Nature Communications, 8, p.14040. [HTML]
Obolski, U., Lewin-Epstein, O, Even-Tov, E., Ram, Y., Hadany, L., 2017. With a little help from my friends: Cooperation can accelerate crossing of adaptive valleys. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17(1), 143. [HTML]
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2020)
Evolution (2018)
Oral presentation at the Israeli Society of Evolutionary Biology (ISEB) online meeting, 2020. Title: "Microbiome-induced resource sharing and the case of trees-mycorrhiza interactions"
Oral presentation at the Israeli Society of Evolutionary Biology (ISEB) meeting in Tel-Aviv, Israel (2019). Title: "Host-microbiome coevolution and cooperative behavior"
Oral presentation at the ESEB2019 congress in Turku, Finland (2019). Title: "Horizontal transmission and evolution of microbe-induced cooperation"
Oral presentation at the 2nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier, France, August 2018. Title: "Host-microbes co-evolution can lead to increased cooperative behavior among the hosts"
Oral presentation at the Minerva conference in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, April 2018. Title: "Horizontal transmission and the evolution of cooperation"
Poster presentation at the Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution conference in Easton, MA, USA, 2017. Title: "Cooperation as a mechanism of evolvability"
Oral presentation at the From Genotype to Phenotype through the Environment conference 2017, Jerusalem, Israel. Title: “Can microbes explain the evolution of host cooperation?”
Oral presentation at the 8th ILANIT/FISEB conference in Eilat, Israel, on February 2017. Title: “Can microbes help explain the evolution of host altruism?”.
Oral presentation at the Evolution 2016 Meetings in Austin, Texas, USA. Title: “Can microbes explain the evolution of host altruism?”.
TA in Evolution course. Life Sciences faculty, TAU (2018-2021).
TA in Population Genetics and the Evolutionary Theory course. Life Sciences faculty, (TAU 2019-2020).
Lecturer of Python Programming for Biologists course. Life Sciences faculty, TAU (2016-2018).
Lecturer of Python Programming for Engineers course. Engineering faculty, TAU (2017-2018).
TA in Python Programming for Engineers course. Engineering faculty, TAU (2014-2017).