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Ohad Lewin-Epstein

Curriculum Vitae



  • 2016-Present  Ph.D student at the Department of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants at the Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel-Aviv University in Israel.

  • 2014-2016       M.Sc. in Theoretical and Mathematical Biology at the Department of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants at the Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel-Aviv University in Israel. Title: Two models of evolution and social behavior: 1. Microbes May Help Explain the Evolution of Host Altruism. 2. The Effect of Cooperation on Adaptive Valleys Crossing. Advisor: Prof. Lilach Hadany. Summa cum laude.  

  • 2012-2016       Student in The Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program for Outstanding Students. Focus in Biology, Mathematics and Philosophy.



Awards and Honours:

  • Clore Foundation Scholarship for Ph.D. students (2018-2021)

  • Travel award from the Constantiner Institute for Molecular Genetics for an oral presentation at the ESEB2019 congress in Turku, Finland (2019).

  • Travel award from the Manna Center for Plant Biosciences for an oral presentation in the 2nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier, France (2018).

  • Travel award from the Anat Krauskupf Fund for a poster presentation at the Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution conference in Easton, MA, USA (2017).

  • Excellence in teaching award from the Engineering Faculty, Tel-Aviv University (2017).

  • Rector’s outstanding teaching list of Tel-Aviv University for the three academic years of 2014-2017.

  • The Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program for Outstanding Students: a highly competitive (15 students each year), merit based, full 4-year scholarship in Tel Aviv University (2012-2016).

  • The department of molecular biology and ecology of plants program of direct track for M.Sc. for outstanding students, faculty of life science, Tel Aviv University (2014-2016).

  • Travel award from the Manna Center for Plant Biosciences for an oral presentation in the Evolution 2016 Meetings in Austin, Texas, USA (2016).

  • Excellence in teaching award from the Life-Science faculty, Tel-Aviv University (2016).




In bold – first author, or equal contribution to first author

  • Cohen, D., Lewin-Epstein, O., Feldman, M. W., & Ram, Y.. Non-Vertical Cultural Transmission, Assortment, and the Evolution of Cooperation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (in press). Available on [bioRxiv]

  • Lavy, O., Lewin-Epstein, O., Bendett, Y., Gophna, U., Gefen, E., Hadany, L., & Ayali, A. Microbiome-related aspects of locust density-dependent phase transition. Under review. Available on [bioRxiv]

  • Lewin-Epstein O., Baruch S., Hadany L., Stein G. Y., Obolski U., Predicting antibiotic resistance in hospitalized patients by applying machine learning to electronic medical records. Clinical Infectious Diseases (2020) [HTML].

  • Cherny, S. S., Nevo, D., Baraz, A., Baruch, S., Lewin-Epstein, O., Stein, G. Y., & Obolski, U. Revealing antibiotic cross-resistance patterns in hospitalized patients through Bayesian network modelling. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2020) [HTML].

  • Lewin-Epstein, O. and Hadany, L.. Host–microbiome coevolution can promote cooperation in a rock–paper–scissors dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287.1920 (2020). [HTML]

  • Gurevich, Y., Lewin-Epstein, O., Hadany, L. The evolution of paternal care: a role for microbes? Accepted for publication in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2020) [HTML].

  • John P.Pribis, Libertad García-Villada, Yin Zhai, Ohad Lewin-Epstein, Anthony Z. Wang, Jing jing Liu, Jun Xia, Qian Mei, Devon M.Fitzgerald, Julia Bos, Robert H.Austin, Christophe Herman, David Bates, Lilach Hadany, P. J. Hastings, Susan M.Rosenberg. "Gamblers: an antibiotic-induced evolvable cell subpopulation differentiated by reactive-oxygen-induced general stress response." Molecular cell (2019). [HTML]
  • Lewin-Epstein, O, Aharonov, R., Hadany, L., 2017. Microbes can help explain the evolution of host altruism. Nature Communications, 8, p.14040. [HTML]

  • Obolski, U., Lewin-Epstein, O, Even-Tov, E., Ram, Y., Hadany, L., 2017. With a little help from my friends: Cooperation can accelerate crossing of adaptive valleys. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17(1), 143. [HTML]



Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2020)

Evolution (2018)




  • Oral presentation at the Israeli Society of Evolutionary Biology (ISEB) online meeting, 2020. Title: "Microbiome-induced resource sharing and the case of trees-mycorrhiza interactions"

  • Oral presentation at the Israeli Society of Evolutionary Biology (ISEB) meeting in Tel-Aviv, Israel (2019). Title: "Host-microbiome coevolution and cooperative behavior"

  • Oral presentation at the ESEB2019 congress in Turku, Finland (2019). Title: "Horizontal transmission and evolution of microbe-induced cooperation"

  • Oral presentation at the 2nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier, France, August 2018. Title: "Host-microbes co-evolution can lead to increased cooperative behavior among the hosts"

  • Oral presentation at the Minerva conference in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, April 2018. Title: "Horizontal transmission and the evolution of cooperation"

  • Poster presentation at the Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution conference in Easton, MA, USA, 2017. Title: "Cooperation as a mechanism of evolvability"

  • Oral presentation at the From Genotype to Phenotype through the Environment conference 2017, Jerusalem, Israel. Title: “Can microbes explain the evolution of host cooperation?”

  • Oral presentation at the 8th ILANIT/FISEB conference in Eilat, Israel, on February 2017. Title: “Can microbes help explain the evolution of host altruism?”.

  • Oral presentation at the Evolution 2016 Meetings in Austin, Texas, USA. Title: “Can microbes explain the evolution of host altruism?”.




  • TA in Evolution course. Life Sciences faculty, TAU (2018-2021).

  • TA in Population Genetics and the Evolutionary Theory course. Life Sciences faculty, (TAU 2019-2020).

  • Lecturer of Python Programming for Biologists course. Life Sciences faculty, TAU (2016-2018).

  • Lecturer of Python Programming for Engineers course. Engineering faculty, TAU (2017-2018).

  • TA in Python Programming for Engineers course. Engineering faculty, TAU (2014-2017).



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