Plant Bioacoustics
Can plants sense natural airborne sounds and respond to them rapidly? Can plants perceive sound? And what sounds are they likely to be...

The evolution of cooperative behavior, is among the most intriguing questions in evolutionary biology, and had been studied since...

Stress induced variation
Most evolutionary models implicitly assume that genetic variation has a uniform rate at all times. In contrast, we explore an alternative...

Variation and selection within the organism
Most organisms are subject to evolution at more than one level: conflicts of interest can occur between branches of a tree, between...

Evolution of sex
The evolution of sex is one of the most puzzling questions in evolutionary biology, because of the two-fold ‘cost of males’. To account...

Plant-pollinator dynamics
Plants and pollinators share a fascinating and complicated mutually beneficial relationship. Pollinators contribute to the reproductive...

Evolution of complex traits
An open question in evolutionary biology is how a species can evolve from one co-adapted gene complex to a better one, crossing an...